Educore helps organizations face future challenges through user-centered innovation.

Opportunity enrichment for sustainable futures is at the core of this work.

Innovation Camp Methodology Handbook

The Camp for Societal Innovation is an instrument for addressing societal challenges in a powerful and effective way. Innovation Camps are a condensed process in which economic, social, technological, cultural and environmental challenges can be addressed at policy, strategy and/or operational levels, and how they can be tackled and ‘solved’ innovatively by key Quadruple Helix stakeholders and experts working together. Since 2010, more than 20 innovation camps have been run using this concept, applying it to support innovation and societal renewal in diverse regions across Europe.

The Camp concept was developed by the New Club of Paris (NCP) and Finland’s Aalto University in 2009. Leif Edvinsson, Markku Markkula, Pirjo Ståhle and Hank Kune co-created the concept and were instrumental in its further development. Valuable comments to improve the methodology have come from Camp conveners, facilitators, challenge owners, participants. In particular, important conceptual and methodological insights have been contributed by members of I2SI (International Initiatives for Societal Innovation), the New Club of Paris, and the Joint Research Centre (JRC) of the European Commission.

There is now a Methodology Handbook that describes key success factors for organizing and running Innovation Camps. This Handbook, bringing together the learnings from eight years of work and 22 camps, is conceived to encourage regions and cities from all over Europe to adopt the Innovation Camps methodology as a tool to collectively and effectively address societal and economic challenges concerning local societies in a larger [European] context through an open, collaborative and inclusive Entrepreneurial Discovery Process (EDP) involving Quadruple Helix actors (i.e. government, industry, academia, and civil society).

The Innovation Camp Methodology Handbook – written by Gabriel Rissola, Hank Kune and Paolo Martinez – is available for downloading on the JRC/Smart Specialisation Platform website:

It is also available through the EU Science Hub:

A hard-copy version is also available.

Open Innovation 2.0 Conference in Amsterdam

The 4th international OPEN INNOVATION 2.0 CONFERENCE 2016 will take place on 23-24 May 2016 in Amsterdam. This event welcomes innovation experts, policy-makers, people from academia and citizens to deal with diverse action-oriented themes.

The Conference will take place immediately after the Amsterdam Action Camp.  For more information and registration for this Conference, see:

Amsterdam Action Camp – an ACSI experience in Amsterdam

The Amsterdam Action Camp is an instrument for addressing societal challenges in an open innovation context. It provides a concrete program for developing breakthrough ideas and insights, combined with an entrepreneurial discovery process aimed at producing real-world impact after the Camp. It is organized with the support of Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences, the Committee of the Regions, the European Commission’s DG Connect, International Initiatives for Societal Innovation (I2SI), the New Club of Paris, and the Open Innovation Strategy & Policy Group (OISPG).

This ACSI Camp – Aalto Camp for Societal Innovation – brings people from different countries, backgrounds and diverse expertise areas together to work in dedicated teams for 3 days, to address real world challenges brought by the European Commission’s DG Connect, Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences, and the European Committee of the Regions.

These are the challenges for the Camp in Amsterdam:

  1. e-Platforms as business model innovation enablers: open engagement platform are a tool to transform the business landscape, and to enable all stakeholders to co-create value. How can we develop an operational strategy to capture value in the platform economy in Europe, and contribute to making the Digital Single Market operational?
  1. How to measure and model the impact of open innovation 2.0: Proper indicators help to focus research and innovation investments and indicate areas with real potential for long-term impact on wellbeing, jobs, growth and sustainable competiveness. What new kinds of indicators do we need to measure open innovation impact? How can we use OI 2.0 to enhance value creation in the creative commons?
  1. Role of creativity & design in industry: How can design bring business, citizens, academia and the public sector together to develop the city of the future? How can creativity drive new business opportunities, breakthrough products and innovative services?
  1. Societal Innovation Camps for regional challenges: How to design a series of innovation camps across Europe to deal effectively with societal challenges and trans-regional innovation in Europe? How can we provide a systemic infrastructure for supporting societal innovation in an effective and affordable way?
  2. Citizen Dialogue and Engagement: How can cities and regions work together on innovative ways of engaging citizens through ‘citizen dialogues’ and other bottom-up activities, in order to provide fresh ideas and insights for implementing Europe’s Urban Agenda?

Amsterdam Action Camp is open for people with relevant expertise and the desire to pursue innovation in practice. We welcome applications from everyone passionate about addressing societal challenges through open innovation, practical wisdom and innovation-ecosystem thinking.

Amsterdam Action Camp Announcement

For more information about the Camp, see

The Amsterdam Action Camp flyer is here:

To register for taking part, please contact the AAC information point at