Educore helps organizations face future challenges through user-centered innovation.

Opportunity enrichment for sustainable futures is at the core of this work.

Intellectual Assets week in Japan

The Knowledge Forum 2008

The Intellectual Property Week 2008 was held in Tokyo, Japan from November 16-21, 2008. The week was composed of a series of different events around intellectual assets, knowledge innovation and future centers, sponsored by various organisations such as METI (Japanese Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry), the Knowledge Management Society of Japan, the World Intellectual Capital Initiative, the OECD, and the New Club of Paris.

Participants from across Asia, Europe and the United States took part in presentations, discussions and knowledge cafés on themes such as leveraging intellectual assets for open innovation, creating the right environment for knowledge fusion, and the reality of future centers in Europe. Keynotes presentations by Dr. Ikujiro Nonaka, Professor Noboru Konno, and Professor Leif Edvinsson provided deeper insight in the importance of ba in the design of places for knowledge innovation.

 Educore and other Future Center Alliance members played an active role in the presentations, panel discussions and workshops around these themes.